Roads: licences, permits and permissions
Find information and apply for licences, permits and permissions related to roads, including street works, highway licences, dropped kerbs, pavement cafe licences and abnormal load notifications.

Highway records and searches
How to find information on adopted roads, rights of way and traffic schemes and making highway search enquiries.
Dropped kerbs (vehicle access)
Information about applying for and constructing a dropped kerb (vehicle access) to your property over a pavement (footway) or grass verge.
Licence for Scaffolding on the Highway - S.169 Licence
Find information about and apply for a licence for scaffolding on roads, public rights of way, pavements, off road footpaths and verges
Apply for a temporary road closure
How to apply to temporarily close a road, footway or public right of way (PROW) for planned or emergency works, street parties and events.
Permission to Deposit a Skip on the Highway - S.139 Permission
Find information about and apply for permission to deposit a skip on roads, pavements, off road footpaths and verges
Permission to Place Traffic Lights in the Highway
Apply for Permission or Scheme Design to Place Portable Light Signals on the Highway The Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2002 General Direction 53
Request a permanent traffic signal switch-out
How to make a request for permanent traffic signals to be switched out while work is carried out on the road.
Apply for a Street Works Licence - Section 50
Apply to put equipment connected with digging into a public road on the street
Section 171 - Licence to Make a Temporary Excavation in the Public Highway
Apply online for a licence to make a temporary excavation in the public Highway
Licence to Carry Out Works on, in or over a Highway - Section 115E
Find information about and apply for a licence to carry out work to roads, pavements, public rights of way, off road footpaths and verges
Street Works Permit Scheme
Information about and apply for the Street Works Permit Scheme, managing works carried out on our roads.
Licence to Locate a Crane on a Highway
Apply for a Section 178 licence to locate a crane on a highway
Current Pavement Cafe Licences
View application forms and associated plans for pavement cafe licences received in the past 12 months.
Apply for a Pavement Cafe Licence
Information about applying for a Pavement Cafe Licence, the documents you need to submit and our application form.
Licence to Temporarily Deposit Building Materials on the Highway - S.171 Licence
Find information about and apply for a licence to deposit building materials on roads, pavements, off road footpaths and verges
Licence for Hoarding - S.172 Licence
Find information about and apply for a licence for hoardings on roads, pavements, off road footpaths and verges
Abnormal load notification
How to notify the council of moving an abnormal load.
Public weighbridges
Find a weighbridge if you need to weigh your van, lorry, trailer, tractor or other vehicle.