A Flying Start to School

Helping your child to have a Flying Start to school life.
Starting school is a significant milestone in a child's life. So what can you do as a parent to help your child prepare? The
Below we have listed information and groups that are available in West Berkshire:
Accelerate your child's learning from the ground up
Chat and sign
You can never start chatting with your child too early. Look at our West Berkshire Every Child A Talker (ECAT) website.
For local information on speech and language therapy visit the Berkshire Healthcare Children, Young People and Families Service website.
You can also find useful resources on the Speech and Language UK website.
Look at books with your child from birth
Find useful tips to support reading on the Word for Life website.
Nursery rhymes are an important way of learning language and supports spelling and reading later - you can find rhymes on the Book Trust website.
You can find more great tips and activities that involve books and reading on the council's 50 things to do before you're 5 app.
Active children
Did you know that it is crucial children have good muscle development in order to be able to learn how to write? Activities to support this are:
Gross motor skills
Gross motor (strengthens large muscles for large movements), for example: running, hopping, skipping, jumping, throwing, catching. If you are worried about your childs development, you can find advice and support on the Berkshire Healthcare Children, Young People and Families service 'gross motor skills' page.
Fine motor skills
Fine motor (strengthens small muscles for small movements), for example: threading, cutting with scissors, painting, drawing, play-doh, creating models, engaging in messy activities.
See the below sites for further suggestions:
You can join messy play sessions at your local Family Hub.
Encouraging your child to dress independently is another way to help develop fine motor control. Practising fastenings (for example: buttons, zips, buckles, and laces), putting on a coat, shoes and other items of clothing all help to improve self-care and fine motor skills. This can be done when playing dress up as well as in everyday situations. Why not try dressing a teddy or a favourite toy?
Use of technology - balance screentime and physical activity
If you choose to watch TV with your child, try to watch it together and then turn it off and play a game.
Balance using technology with being active outdoors - find more advice on screen time on the internet matters website.
Inquisitive children
Did you know that a child needs to develop their listening and rhyming skills before learning letter sounds (phonics) in order to read and write?
Try some of the activities using this top 20 things to do before reading PDF to help prepare your child for reading and writing independently.
Join the library
The Literacy Trust say that "Children and young people who enjoy reading are five times more likely to read above the level expected for their age compared with their peers who don't enjoy reading (17.0% vs 3.5%)".
Joining your local library is a great way to inspire a life-long love of reading!
Using their senses and getting outside
Children learn far more if it is a subject of personal interest and fascination. Try to engage in discussions, explore books and visit places that support your child's interest.
West Berkshire Council's '50 Things to do before you're 5'.
Explore maths and have fun in every day activities
You can use the 'count with me' resources from Surrey County Council.
Healthy children
A child needs a healthy body in order to thrive. As a parent you need to ensure your child:
Has a healthy diet
See the NHS Healthier Families meal suggestions, tips and activities.
See the NHS 'what to feed young children' guidance for babies and toddlers.
Sleeps a minimum of 11 hours each night
See the NHS guidance on sleep and young children.
Can independently go to the toilet and wash their hands
You can find advice on how to potty train and age expectations on the NHS website here.
If your child is struggling with using the toilet, visit the ERIC website for guidance and advice.
Visits the dentist and brushes their teeth correctly
See the NHS guidance on taking care of children's teeth.
Social child
Did you know young children experience their world as an environment of relationships, and these relationships affect virtually all aspects of their development? Establishing successful relationships with adults and other children is crucial.
Visit the very well family website for tips on social skills for kids.
Play gives children a chance to practice different social skills.
Sharing is an important skill. Every child is unique and some children will master this quicker than others.
Making friends
You can find out about the six stages of social development on the action for children website here.
Taking your child to group play sessions at a Family Hub or sending them to a childminder, pre-school or nursery will also support your child in developing socially.
Children who develop warm, positive relationships with other adults and children are more inquisitive, self-confident and positive about starting school.
Supporting your child's well-being
Helping children recognise and understand their emotions is an important part of supporting their development:
You can find advice on helping children talk about feeling and emotions on the Cbeebies website.
Books can also help children explore and discuss emotions - find out more about how books help on the Book Trust website.