Local Offer: preparing for adulthood

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We want all our young people with Special Educational Needs (SEN) and disabilities to make a successful transition to adulthood, including:
- paid employment, wherever possible
- living as independently as possible
- having good physical and emotional health
- being part of their community
- having friends and relationships
On the pages below you can find further information about transitioning to adults services, help with careers and employment and other useful services on our directory.
You can find information for young adults over the age of 18 on our Care for Adults pages, or on the Adult's directory.
Find services on the directory
View all relevant services or click the categories below to see specific services:
Adult social care | Education and learning | Employment |
Independent living | Leisure and activities | Travel |
Information and guidance
On the pages below we've shared a range of information, advice and guidance.
Moving from children's to adult's social care
Information about transitioning (moving) from children's social care to adult social care services.
Careers and employment
Links to further advice and services relating to employment and careers.