Household Support Fund - Frequently Asked Questions
Who can apply for the Household Support Fund (HSF) Scheme?
The Household Support Fund is there to support those most in need. Priority will be given to households who are ineligible for other government support and vulnerable groups regarding the cost of living crisis.
What is the funding for?
The funding can be awarded for:
- energy and water - this can be any form of fuel that is used for cooking or lighting and water bills
- food
- essentials linked to energy and water for example purchase of white goods used for cooking or storing food
- wider essentials - these will be considered on a case by case basis
What information and documents will be required?
The following information/documents are required:
- declaration of household income and expenditure
- one month's bank statement for all accounts
- a screenshot of your Universal Credit (UC) journal which details the amount you receive and confirmation that there is a child as part of the UC application - if you are not in receipt of UC then you'll need to provide a screenshot of your other benefits and what the entitlement is for
- proof of Child Benefit award (where required)
- confirmation of any savings
- evidence of utility debts
- supporting documents relevant to claim
How do I apply for the HSF Scheme?
You can apply by completing the online application form.
How will I know if my application has been received?
You will receive an automated email with a reference number after you have submitted your form.
How will I know if my application has been approved or rejected?
You will receive an email advising you of the outcome (i.e. if your application has been approved or rejected).
Are there any other sources of funding that I can access if I am unsuccessful for an allocation of the grant?
Yes our directory of service provides details for a number of organisations that offer advice and support in respect of finances that you may find useful: Directory of Service - Money Advice. There are also several Government funded schemes to help with the cost of living - you can find further details on benefits and financial support on the GOV.UK website.
Can I reapply if I have had a previous award?
If you have previously applied between April 2023 and March 2024, you can now apply again. You will only have one successful award from this allocation of funding, this is to ensure that as many households as possible are support by the scheme.